
I just started with cloudstack and wanted to get the dev environment going. I have Maven installed, and using Eclipse. I've been following this guide, Which seems a bit outdated, but I've been unable to find anything more recent about getting this going in Eclipse.

Versions I'm running:

--Eclipse 4.1
--Maven 3.6.1
--Java 1.8.0_211
--Cloudstack 4.9

Upon importing I'm getting 152 errors (all seem related to maven):

*Description Resource Path Location Type Missing artifact com.cloud.com.f5:icontrol:jar:1.0 pom.xml /cloud-plugin-network-f5 line 30 Maven Dependency Problem

*Description Resource Path Location Type Missing artifact com.cloud.com.netapp:manageontap:jar:4.0 pom.xml /cloud-plugin-netapp line 30 Maven Dependency Problem

*Description Resource Path Location Type Missing artifact com.cloud.com.vmware:vmware-vim25:jar:6.0 pom.xml /cloud-engine-storage-integration-test line 12 Maven Dependency Problem

*Description Resource Path Location Type Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-plugin-plugin:3.1:descriptor (execution: default-descriptor, phase: process-classes) pom.xml /Wix-cloudstack-maven-plugin line 16 Maven Project Build Lifecycle Mapping Problem

*Description Resource Path Location Type The container 'Maven Dependencies' references non existing library 'C:\Users.m2\repository\com\cloud\com\f5\icontrol\1.0\icontrol-1.0.jar' cloud-plugin-network-f5 Build path Build Path Problem

*Description Resource Path Location Type The import com.cloud.network.schema cannot be resolved BrocadeVcsApi.java /cloud-plugin-network-vcs/src/com/cloud/network/brocade line 61 Java Problem


1 Answers


Probably a bit late, but may help other people trying this out for the first time.

Adding the Apache Maven repositories should allow you to build, for example I have added Maven Central and Apache Maven repositories with CloudStack 4.13.

This can be done by editing ~/.m2/settings.xml to include mirrors, it is important to use HTTPS not HTTP as this is deprecated and will result in failures by default.

Apache Repository Entry

Entry to be added to configuration.

      <id>Apache HTTPS</id>
      <name>Apache (HTTPS)</name>


Mirrors only entry for user.

      <id>Central HTTPS</id>
      <name>Maven Central (HTTPS)</name>
      <id>Apache HTTPS</id>
      <name>Apache (HTTPS)</name>