
I'm using Lucene to index components with names and types. Some components are more important, thus, get a bigger boost. However, I cannot get my boost to work properly. I sill get some components appear later (get worse score), even though they have a higher boost.

Note that the indexing is done on one field only and I've set the boost to that field alone. I'm using Lucene in Java.

I don't think it has anything to do with the field length. I've seen components with the same name (but different type) get the wrong score.

Can you post some code? Both on the indexing side, and the search side. At least what the query looks like.bajafresh4life

5 Answers


Use Searcher.explain to find out how the scores for each document are derived. One of the key criteria in score is length of the field. A match in shorter field gets higher score.


I suggest you use luke to see exactly what is stored in your index. Are you using document boosting? See the scoring documentation to check possible explanations.


Boost is just one factor in the Lucene score for a hit. But it should work. Can you give a more complete example of the behavior you are seeing, and what you would expect?


As I recall, boosting is intended to make one field more important than another. If you have only one field, boosting won't change the order of the results at all.

added: no, looks like you can indeed boost specific documents. oops!


Make sure field.omitNorms is set to false on the field you want to boost.