I am using spring kafka and would like to have multiple consumer groupIds mentioned in the application yaml that I can use in my kafkaListener class where I am listening to multiple topics.
My kafka properties in application.yml file look like this for now
topic1: topic1
topic2: topic2
bootstrap-servers: server1,server2
key-serializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
value-serializer: org.springframework.kafka.support.serializer.JsonSerializer
retries: 4
group-id: mygroupid
auto-offset-reset: latest
key-deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
value-deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
Is there a way to have multiple groupIDs in the consumer block above.
Alternatively, I have give different groupIDs in kafkaListener in my spring code as follows, I am not sure how to set up the rest of the propeties like auto-offset-reset, key-deserializer etc:
@KafkaListener(topics = "topic1", groupId = "cd1")
public void consumeMessage(String message) throws Exception {
// some code goes here
Please let me know how to accomplish what I am trying to do as I am new to kafka.