I had a similar issue - albeit in AngularJS and the non-Angular mode for ag-grid - I needed to prevent the navigation when the cell editor didn't pass validation.
The documentation is not very detailed, so in the end I added a custom cell editor with a form wrapped around the input field (to handle the niceties such as red highlighting etc), and then used Angular JS validation. That got me so far, but the crucial part was trying to prevent the user tabbing out or away when the value was invalid so the user could at least fix the issue.
I did this by adding a value parser when adding the cell, and then within that if the value was invalid according to various rules, throw an exception. Not ideal, I know - but it does prevent ag-grid from trying to move away from the cell.
I tried loads of approaches to solving this - using the tabToNextCell
events, suppressKeyboardEvent
, navigateToNextCell
, onCellEditingStopped
- to name a few - this was the only thing that got it working correctly.
Here's my value parser, for what it's worth:
var codeParser = function (args) {
var cellEditor = _controller.currentCellEditor.children['codeValue'];
var paycodeId = +args.colDef.field;
var paycodeInfo = _controller.paycodes.filter(function (f) { return f.id === paycodeId; })[0];
if (paycodeInfo && paycodeInfo.mask) {
var reg = new RegExp("^" + paycodeInfo.mask + '$');
var match = args.newValue.match(reg);
if (!match) {
$mdToast.show($mdToast.simple().textContent('Invalid value - does not match paycode format.').position('top right').toastClass('errorToast'))
.then(function(r) {
throw 'Invalid value - does not match paycode format.';
return true;
The _controller.currentCellEditor
value is set during the init of the cell editor component. I do this so I can then refocus the control after the error has been shown in the toast:
CodeValueEditor.prototype.init = function (params) {
var form = document.createElement('form');
form.setAttribute('id', 'mainForm');
form.setAttribute('name', 'mainForm');
var input = document.createElement('input');
input.setAttribute('name', 'codeValue');
input.setAttribute('id', 'codeValue');
input.tabIndex = "0";
input.value = params.value;
if (params.mask) {
input.setAttribute('data-mask', params.mask);
input.setAttribute('ng-pattern','/^' + params.mask + '$/');
input.setAttribute('ng-class',"{'pattern-error': mainForm.codeValue.$error.pattern}");
input.setAttribute('ng-model', 'ctl.currentValue');
this.container = form;
_controller.currentValue = null;
_controller.currentCellEditor = this.container;
And then cleared in the grid options onCellEditingStopped
onCellEditingStopped: function (event) {
$scope.$apply(function() {
_controller.currentCellEditor = null;
I realise it's not specifically for your components (Vue.js) but hopefully it'll help someone else. If anyone has done it a better way, I'm all ears as I don't like throwing the unnecessary exception!