I am in the process of migrating a legacy application (bit of microservices and monolith) into using GRPC. The entire code base is currently in GO.
I have started to model my messages and they are looking very similar to my structs that I am using in my application code. It seems odd that I have the same objects defined twice but also seems odd to use message objects as core structs. Seems that I will have a lot of memory intensive marshaling of data though. Below is an example of a message and a struct and how similar they are.
Are there any recommendations/best practices on deciding how to model my messages? Should they be aligned with my core structs? Should I not care about all the marshalling that has to happen from my Golang Structs into messages?
Forgive me if I am asking such a basic question as I am very new to protocol buffers and GRPC.
Message Proto Def:
message Profile {
string UID = 1;
string ContactEmail = 2;
google.protobuf.Timestamp DateOfBirth = 3;
float WeightInKilos = 4;
string Gender = 5;
string Unit = 6;
string CurrentStatus = 7;
string Country = 8;
string ExperienceType = 9;
google.protobuf.Timestamp DateJoined = 10;
repeated Ability Abilities = 11;
repeated Role Roles = 12;
repeated TermsAndConditionsAcceptance TermsAndConditionsAcceptances = 13;
string TimeZone = 14;
repeated BaselineTestResults BaselineTests =15;
//Excluded UpdatedDate as other domains shouldn't need it
string FirstName =16;
string LastName =17;
string DisplayName = 18;
string State = 19;
repeated google.protobuf.Any Preferences = 20;
Thresholds Thresholds = 21;
string StripeCustomerID = 22;
Struct Def:
type Profile struct {
UID string `json:"UID" firestore:"UID"`
ContactEmail string `json:"ContactEmail,omitempty" firestore:"ContactEmail"`
DateOfBirth time.Time `json:"DateOfBirth,omitempty" firestore:"DateOfBirth"`
WeightInKilos float64 `json:"WeightInKilos,omitempty" firestore:"WeightInKilos"`
Gender string `json:"Gender,omitempty" firestore:"Gender"`
Unit string `json:"Unit,omitempty" firestore:"Unit"`
CurrentStatus string `json:"CurrentStatus,omitempty" firestore:"CurrentStatus"`
Country string `json:"Country,omitempty" firestore:"Country"`
ExperienceType string `json:"ExperienceType,omitempty" firestore:"ExperienceType"`
DateJoined time.Time `json:"DateJoined,omitempty" firestore:"DateJoined"`
Abilities []Ability `json:"Abilities,omitempty" firestore:"Abilities"`
Goals Goals `json:"Goals,omitempty" firestore:"Goals"`
Roles []Role `json:"Roles,omitempty" firestore:"Roles"`
TermsAndConditionsAcceptances []TermsAndConditionsAcceptance `json:"TermsAndConditionsAcceptances,omitempty" firestore:"TermsAndConditionsAcceptances"`
TimeZone string `json:"TimeZone,omitempty" firestore:"TimeZone"`
BaselineTests []BaselineTestResults `json:"BaselineTests,omitempty" firestore:"BaselineTests"`
UpdatedDate time.Time `json:"UpdatedDate,omitempty" firestore:"UpdatedDate"`
FirstName *string `json:"FirstName,omitempty" firestore:"FirstName"`
LastName string `json:"LastName,omitempty" firestore:"LastName"`
DisplayName string `json:"DisplayName,omitempty" firestore:"DisplayName"`
State string `json:"State"`
Preferences map[string]interface{} `json:"Preferences"`
Thresholds Thresholds `json:"Thresholds"`
StripeCustomerID string `json:"-"` //Tells it to ignore exporting