
I created a very simple cloud function in IBM, that I try to call via Watson assistant. When I call it the error "Direct CloudFunctions call was not successful. Http response code is [401]" appears.

Underneath is the code I am using. "prodname" is taken from the user and sent to the function to get an answer. The function is working fine when I invoke it. I get the ID and password from https://cloud.ibm.com/openwhisk/learn/api-key.

  "context": {

    "credentials": {
      "user": "userID",
      "password": "password"
  "output": {
    "text": {
      "values": [
  "actions": [
      "name": "arllambi%2540gmail.com_Only/Watson/MovieBot",
      "type": "cloud_function",
      "parameters": {
        "prodname": "$prodname"
      "result_variable": "answer",
      "credentials": "$credentials"

Is it possible that there is some problem with the credentials?

Thanks in advance for any help.

****** reEDIT ******

As suggested by data_henrik I provide futher info. The function I am calling is the following, a very simple echo function:

function main(msg){
return {answer: "You said " +msg.prodname};

I changed the cloud_function to web_action, web_action works fine via postman:

  "output": {
    "text": {
      "values": [
  "actions": [
      "name": "[email protected]_Only/Watson/MovieBot.json",
      "type": "web_action",
      "parameters": {
        "prodname": "<?input.text?>"
      "result_variable": "context.answer"

The message I get now is "Direct CloudFunctions call was not successful. Http response code is [404]". Also the assistant answers "with {"cloud_functions_call_error":"The requested resource does not exist."}


Are you using the api_key or user/password? Check the Cloud Functions log for details.data_henrik
hi and thanks for the quick answer(s)! I am using the user/password data coming from the cloud.ibm.com/openwhisk/learn/api-key. The clound function logs do not show anything: Activation ID: 702e4121f77347d2ae4121f77387d27d Results: { "answer": "You said terminator" } Logs: []Triferus
Share more details about what code you are calling and the action name. Why don't you use the api_key instead of user/password?data_henrik
For the sake of exercise, could you enable the action as web action and then call it that way?data_henrik
Thanks for the feedback, above is updated.Triferus

2 Answers


Hi @data_henrik and thanks for the help. I did see the @ and corrected it in the edited code, was giving the same problem. BUT I figured it out: the assistant was deployed in Washington... I moved it to London and now it works. Thanks again for the help and sorry for my newbie mistake...


My guess is that the org part in your action name is wrong. Try to replace any "@" with "%40". Else, it will be interpreted by Watson as something else. Next, after you update the dialog node, wait for some seconds for the changes to take effect.

I just tried something with my deployed web actions and could cause the 401 and 404.

"name": "arllambi%40gmail.com_Only/Watson/MovieBot.json"