We are using Spring integration 5.1.4 and spring-boot-starter-integration 2.1.4 in our application. We use XML configuration for convenience to see integration graph. Now, We need to read the messages from kafka topic so we want to use latest spring-integration-kafka 3.1.2.RELEASE version and kafka inbound channel adapter. I could find sample xml configurations using spring-integration-kafka 1.x versions but unable to find xml configuration for recent versions ? If I use older xml configuration with version 3.x, it is throwing error "no declaration can be found for element int-kafka:zookeeper-connect".Can anyone help us to point us what's wrong with the version compatibility matrix or provide some sample xml configuration for 3.1.2 kafka inbound channel adapter to read from kafka topic.
id="zookeeperConnect" zk-connect="localhost:2181"
zk-connection-timeout="6000" zk-session-timeout="6000"
zk-sync-time="2000" />
kafka-consumer-context-ref="consumerContext" auto-startup="true"
<int:poller fixed-delay="2000" time-unit="MILLISECONDS" />
<bean id="consumerProperties"
<property name="properties">
<prop key="auto.offset.reset">smallest</prop>
<prop key="socket.receive.buffer.bytes">10485760</prop> <!-- 10M -->
<prop key="fetch.message.max.bytes">5242880</prop>
<prop key="auto.commit.interval.ms">1000</prop>
id="consumerContext" consumer-timeout="1000"
group-id="Group1" max-messages="5000"
key-decoder="deccoder" value-decoder="deccoder">
<int-kafka:topic id="Helloworld-Topic" streams="3" />
<bean id="deccoder"
class="org.springframework.integration.kafka.serializer.common.StringDecoder" />