I have an Azure Data Lake gen1 and an Azure Data Lake gen2 (Blob Storage w/hierarchical) and I am trying to create a Databricks notebook (Scala) that reads 2 files and writes a new file back into the Data Lake. In both Gen1 and Gen2 I am experiencing the same issue where the file name of the output csv I have specified is getting saved as a directory and inside that directory it's writing 4 files "committed, started, _SUCCESS, and part-00000-tid-
For the life of me, I can't figure out why it's doing it and not actually saving the csv to the location. Here's an example of the code I've written. If I do a .show() on the df_join dataframe then it outputs the correct looking results. But the .write is not working correctly.
val df_names = spark.read.option("header", "true").csv("/mnt/datalake/raw/names.csv")
val df_addresses = spark.read.option("header", "true").csv("/mnt/datalake/raw/addresses.csv")
val df_join = df_names.join(df_addresses, df_names.col("pk") === df_addresses.col("namepk"))
.option("header", "true")