So based on my searches this has been a long-standing bug on iOS/Apple’s end. As of yet I haven’t been able to confirm a workaround so would like to see if I’m up to speed on this.
I incorporated a new favicon on my site with the help of realfavicongenerator, and it’s showing up everywhere except Safari iOS where a faulty cache seems to force the old image to show when the site is favorited or bookmarked. Adding to homescreen works fine, MacOS favoriting/bookmarking works fine, Safari iOS doesn’t.
I remember having a similar issue when incorporating the first apple-touch-icon a few years ago, also using realfavicongenerator: when favoriting/bookmarking in Safari iOS the icon was empty instead of showing the image. Eventually it showed up but I don’t recall how or exacty when, but it definitely took a lot longer than it should have.
I’ve obviously tried clearing cache and website data/history through Safari settings, restarting my phone, appending a variable to the apple-touch-icon URL, using both absolute and relative paths, and tinkering with different image size specifications, none of which worked.
I saw a suggestion somewhere that resetting the phone may work, but my question in that scenario is what exactly to reset and whether this would compromise other data.
Are there any workarounds/fixes I’m not aware of?
I’m using an iPhone 7 with iOS 12.2. The code being used is straight from what realfavicongenerator provides.