
I created a private NuGet feed in Azure DevOps following this guide and created a build pipeline with dotnet pack and dotnet nuget push steps. After running the build a few times, the new versions are displayed under Artifacts >> MyFeed >> Versions. I promoted some of the versions by hand to @Release.

Here's the view in DevOps: DevOps NuGet feed details

But when I connect to the feed in Visual Studio, I only see version 1.0.0 as stable release, but all later versions (which are published via my build pipeline), are only shown if I check the "include pre-release" option. Here's a screenshot:

Visual Studio NuGet package details

My questions are:

1 - how can I manually promote a version to stable?
2 - how can I promote a version to stable via a build or release pipeline?


2 Answers


NuGet uses Semantic Versioning 2.0, which says that anything after a - character signals pre-release information. Therefore 1.0.1-CI is prerelease, whereas 1.0.1 would be a release version. If you want build metadata in the version string, you should use the + character, again as defined by SemVer2.

edit: note that SemVer metadata does not contribute to version comparisons, so 1.2.3+CI.1 is considered the SAME version as 1.2.3+CI.2


Azure DevOps - Private NuGet feed doesn't update stable release

Just like zivkan said "anything after a - character signals pre-release information.". You can check the nuget document Package versioning for some details.

1 - how can I manually promote a version to stable?

You can download that package from your nuget feed, then change the package version to stable, then re-push it to the feed.

2 - how can I promote a version to stable via a build or release pipeline?

To promote a version to stable via a build or release, you could change the build number. When you use dotnet pack task to create the nuget package, there is an option Automatic package versioning:

enter image description here


So, try to use the option Use the build number option on the Automatic package versioning.

Then, in the Build number format option, you can set it to $(Major).$(Minor).$(Patch)$(Rev:.r):

enter image description here

The value of $(Major), $(Minor), $(Patch) are custom variables in the Variables tab, the value of $(Rev:.r) is the build number.

In this case, the package will be TestSample.

Hope this helps.