I am creating a nodeJS application using Express, MongoDB and EJS template view engine. I have created my server.js file which creates the server. I have created a separate header.ejs file which I will be including in my other ejs files (like index.ejs, about.ejs, contact..ejs, etc.). However when I create a stylesheet for only header.ejs file the styles are being applied to all the ejs file (index.ejs, about.ejs, etc.) I have placed my header.ejs file in the ./public/partials/ folder and the stylesheet is in ./public/assets/ folder and my index.ejs file is in the ./views/ folder.
I have used app.use(express.static(__dirname + "/public")) in the server.js file and /assets/style.css for index.ejs and /assets/header.css for header.ejs file.
app.set('view engine' , 'ejs');
app.use(express.static(__dirname + "/public"));
router.get('/employee' , function(req, res){
module.exports = router;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/header.css">
<h2>Company Logo</h2>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/style.css">
<% include ../public/partials/header.ejs %>
<h2>Please Enter the New Employee Information</h2>
When I put h2 {color: indianred;} in the header.css file the color of even in the index.ejs file changes even though header.css is linked only to header.ejs.
i want only the of header.ejs to change. How do i do that ?