
Create a macro-enabled document that has a working macro first, but then stops working with the insertion of a Button. Instructions below.

The code:

Sub UpdateOptions()
  Dim bProtected As Boolean
  'Unprotect the file
  If ActiveDocument.ProtectionType <> wdNoProtection Then
    bProtected = True
    ActiveDocument.Unprotect Password:=""
  End If

  Select Case ActiveDocument.FormFields("Bookmark0").Result
    Case "Bookmark1"
        SendKeys "%{down}"  'Displays choices in drop-down field
    Case "Bookmark2"
        SendKeys "%{down}"  'Displays choices in drop-down field
    Case "Bookmark3"
        SendKeys "%{down}"  'Displays choices in drop-down field
  End Select
  If bProtected = True Then
    ActiveDocument.Protect _
        Type:=wdAllowOnlyFormFields, _
        NoReset:=True, _
  End If
End Sub

Steps to set up the Word document:

  • Type into the document: Bookmark0
  • Insert a Legacy Drop down Form Field

    • List entries: Bookmark1, Bookmark2, Bookmark3
    • Name: Bookmark0
    • Run Macro on Exit: UpdateOptions (code above)
  • After the drop-down, type: Enter, Enter (insert two paragraphs)

  • Type: Bookmark1
  • Insert a second Legacy Drop down Form Field

    • List: 1, 2, 3.
    • Name: Bookmark1
  • After the drop-down, type: Enter, Enter (insert two paragraphs)

  • Type: Bookmark 2
  • Insert a third Legacy Drop down Form Field

    • List: 1, 2, 3.
    • Name: Bookmark2
  • After the drop-down, type: Enter, Enter (insert two paragraphs)

  • Type: Bookmark3
  • Insert a fourth Legacy Drop down Form Field
    • List: 1, 2, 3.
    • Name: Bookmark3

Your document should look like this at this point:





  • Save the document as a Macro Enabled document (docm).
  • Protect the document for filling in as a form


  • Change the first drowpdown options only from the available listed options (Bookmark1, Bookmark2, Bookmark3)
  • Every time you change your selection you will be directed to the corresponding Bookmark Dropdown Form Field.
  • Should be working as expected.

Button conflict

  • Unlock document
  • Insert a Button at the end of the document below Bookmark3 [Button]

Your document should look like the same as above but with a button now:






  • Protect the document for filling in as a form

Testing Button conflict:

  • Change Bookmak0 selection from (Bookmark1, Bookmark2, Bookmark3)
  • Every time you change your selection you will NOT be directed to the corresponding Bookmark Dropdown Form Field.
  • Every time you change your selection you will be directed to a field after the intended corresponding Bookmark Dropdown Form Field.
  • Macro is not working as expected with the presence of a Button.
  • Unprotect the document, delete the button, re-protect document, it will be working fine again.

I posted this questions on the links below too (Files available for download there.: http://www.vbaexpress.com/forum/showthread.php?65092-Odd-behavior-when-Command-Buttons-are-present



I can repro the issue, but know no reason for the behavior - it appears to be a bug of some sort. (Using Word 2010 BTW) Note that for me deleting the ActiveX control does NOT restore to the previous behavior! Could you use a MacroButton field instead of an ActiveX control?Cindy Meister
Hi Cindy, thank you for looking into this. Unfortunately the department I'm creating the file for wants the Active X controls. Since the bug moves a few spaces ahead of the intended field, I'll be forced to code the macro to select a few fields prior to the intended one. This way, in conjunction with the odd behavior, I'll end up selecting the correct field.RaudelJr
Agreed, just thought I'd present an alternative to having to do that as it makes the code less self-documenting. Be sure to comment it! If the bookmarks are named as in the repro steps it wouldn't be a big deal since the pattern in consistent.Cindy Meister
I'll update the thread with the final. Thanks again Cindy, I really appreciate it.RaudelJr

1 Answers


The reason for the odd behavior was not found.

As a workaround I simply selected a Bookmark prior to the intended as shown in the code below.

Everything works as expected with Command Buttons.

Sub UpdateOptions()
Dim bProtected As Boolean
'Unprotect the file
If ActiveDocument.ProtectionType <> wdNoProtection Then
    bProtected = True
    ActiveDocument.Unprotect Password:=""
End If

Select Case ActiveDocument.FormFields("Bookmark0").Result
    Case "Bookmark1"
        SendKeys "%{down}"  'Displays choices in drop-down field
    Case "Bookmark2"
        SendKeys "%{down}"  'Displays choices in drop-down field
    Case "Bookmark3"
        SendKeys "%{down}"  'Displays choices in drop-down field
End Select
If bProtected = True Then
    ActiveDocument.Protect _
        Type:=wdAllowOnlyFormFields, _
        NoReset:=True, _
End If
End Sub

Thanks you all that entertained this thread.
