Create a macro-enabled document that has a working macro first, but then stops working with the insertion of a Button. Instructions below.
The code:
Sub UpdateOptions()
Dim bProtected As Boolean
'Unprotect the file
If ActiveDocument.ProtectionType <> wdNoProtection Then
bProtected = True
ActiveDocument.Unprotect Password:=""
End If
Select Case ActiveDocument.FormFields("Bookmark0").Result
Case "Bookmark1"
SendKeys "%{down}" 'Displays choices in drop-down field
Case "Bookmark2"
SendKeys "%{down}" 'Displays choices in drop-down field
Case "Bookmark3"
SendKeys "%{down}" 'Displays choices in drop-down field
End Select
If bProtected = True Then
ActiveDocument.Protect _
Type:=wdAllowOnlyFormFields, _
NoReset:=True, _
End If
End Sub
Steps to set up the Word document:
- Type into the document: Bookmark0
Insert a Legacy Drop down Form Field
- List entries: Bookmark1, Bookmark2, Bookmark3
- Name: Bookmark0
- Run Macro on Exit: UpdateOptions (code above)
After the drop-down, type: Enter, Enter (insert two paragraphs)
- Type: Bookmark1
Insert a second Legacy Drop down Form Field
- List: 1, 2, 3.
- Name: Bookmark1
After the drop-down, type: Enter, Enter (insert two paragraphs)
- Type: Bookmark 2
Insert a third Legacy Drop down Form Field
- List: 1, 2, 3.
- Name: Bookmark2
After the drop-down, type: Enter, Enter (insert two paragraphs)
- Type: Bookmark3
- Insert a fourth Legacy Drop down Form Field
- List: 1, 2, 3.
- Name: Bookmark3
Your document should look like this at this point:
- Save the document as a Macro Enabled document (docm).
- Protect the document for filling in as a form
- Change the first drowpdown options only from the available listed options (Bookmark1, Bookmark2, Bookmark3)
- Every time you change your selection you will be directed to the corresponding Bookmark Dropdown Form Field.
- Should be working as expected.
Button conflict
- Unlock document
- Insert a Button at the end of the document below Bookmark3 [Button]
Your document should look like the same as above but with a button now:
- Protect the document for filling in as a form
Testing Button conflict:
- Change Bookmak0 selection from (Bookmark1, Bookmark2, Bookmark3)
- Every time you change your selection you will NOT be directed to the corresponding Bookmark Dropdown Form Field.
- Every time you change your selection you will be directed to a field after the intended corresponding Bookmark Dropdown Form Field.
- Macro is not working as expected with the presence of a Button.
- Unprotect the document, delete the button, re-protect document, it will be working fine again.
I posted this questions on the links below too (Files available for download there.: