I'm trying to implement React-context in my application to get rid of the props drilling. While creating the contextProvider, I'm getting the following error-
"Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports".
const SharedThemeContext = React.createContext();
export class SharedThemeProvider extends Component {
static propTypes = {
children: PropTypes.func.isRequired
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
isOpen: false,
message: '',
openSnackbar = (message) => {
isOpen: true,
closeSnackbar = () => {
message: '',
isOpen: false,
render() {
const { children } = this.props;
return (
openSnackbar: this.openSnackbar,
closeSnackbar: this.closeSnackbar,
snackbarIsOpen: this.state.isOpen,
message: this.state.message,
export const SharedThemeConsumer = SharedThemeContext.Consumer;