I´m using spring rest template and want to parse the JSON response into the corresponding java POJO. I get every time a MismatchedInputException - Cannot deserialized instance of out of start array token.
I´ve looked at several questions relating to jackson but didn´t find the suitable solution. I´m not sure if my POJO structure is correct.
First the related JSON:
POJO Structure:
public class Main{
ArrayList<Day> days = new ArrayList<>();
public ArrayList<Day> getDays() {
return days;
public void setDays(ArrayList<Day> days) {
this.days = days;
public class Day {
private String day;
private String time;
private String room;
private String name;
private String lecturer;
private Integer eventId;
private Boolean modified;
public Day() {
// Getter and setter of Day Object
Rest-Template Method in API Object:
public String getInfoByEventsPeriods(String eventIDs) {
String url = APIURL + "/info?from="2019-04-29"&to="2019-05-03"&eventId=" + eventIDs;
return rest.getForObject(url, String.class);
Processing with ObjectMapper in Main Object:
public Main getLectures(String eventIDs) throws IOException {
API api = new API();
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
return mapper.readValue(api.getInfoByEventsPeriods(eventIDs), Main.class);