I am struggling to describe what it means for terms and literals (first order logic) to be re-written. Ie I would like a function applySubstitution
that can be called on both terms and literals.
I thought that the substitution could be expressed as a function. However I am getting rigid type variable errors with the following code.
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
module Miniexample where
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
data Term a = F a [Term a]
| V a
data Literal a = P a [Term a]
| E (Term a) (Term a)
class Substitutable b where
substitute :: b -> (Term a -> Maybe (Term a)) -> b
instance Substitutable (Term a) where
substitute x@(V _) σ = M.fromMaybe x (σ x)
substitute f@(F l xs) σ = M.fromMaybe f' (σ f)
where f' = F l (map (flip substitute σ) xs)
instance Substitutable (Literal a) where
substitute (P l xs) σ = P l (map (flip substitute σ) xs)
substitute (E s t) σ = E (substitute s σ) (substitute t σ)
class Substitution σ where
asSub :: σ -> (a -> Maybe a)
applySubstitution σ t = substitute t (asSub σ)
(<|) t σ = applySubstitution σ t
This gives be the following error:
• Couldn't match type ‘a1’ with ‘a’
‘a1’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
substitute :: forall a1.
Term a -> (Term a1 -> Maybe (Term a1)) -> Term a
at /.../Miniexample.hs:16:3-12
‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the instance declaration
at /.../Miniexample.hs:15:10-31
Expected type: Term a1
Actual type: Term a
• In the first argument of ‘σ’, namely ‘x’
In the second argument of ‘M.fromMaybe’, namely ‘(σ x)’
In the expression: M.fromMaybe x (σ x)
• Relevant bindings include
σ :: Term a1 -> Maybe (Term a1)
(bound at /.../Miniexample.hs:16:22)
x :: Term a
(bound at /.../Miniexample.hs:16:14)
substitute :: Term a -> (Term a1 -> Maybe (Term a1)) -> Term a
(bound at /.../Miniexample.hs:16:3)
In my head, the type variable b
in the Substitutable
class should be able to take on (bad terminology I'm sure) the the value of Term a
Any hints would be greatly welcome.
To give a more concrete example, the following works, but one needs to be explicit about which function applyTermSub
or applyLitSub
to call and secondly the implementation of the substitution map leaks into the implementation of the more general procedure.
module Miniexample where
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
import qualified Data.List as L
data Term a = F a [Term a]
| V a deriving (Eq)
data Literal a = P a [Term a]
| E (Term a) (Term a) deriving (Eq)
termSubstitute :: (Term a -> Maybe (Term a)) -> Term a -> Term a
termSubstitute σ x@(V _) = M.fromMaybe x (σ x)
termSubstitute σ f@(F l xs) = M.fromMaybe f' (σ f)
where f' = F l (map (termSubstitute σ) xs)
litSubstitute :: (Term a -> Maybe (Term a)) -> Literal a -> Literal a
litSubstitute σ (P l xs) = P l (map (termSubstitute σ) xs)
litSubstitute σ (E s t) = E (termSubstitute σ s) (termSubstitute σ t)
applyTermSub :: (Eq a) => Term a -> [(Term a, Term a)] -> Term a
applyTermSub t σ = termSubstitute (flip L.lookup σ) t
applyLitSub :: (Eq a) => Literal a -> [(Term a, Term a)] -> Literal a
applyLitSub l σ = litSubstitute (flip L.lookup σ) l
-- variables
x = V "x"
y = V "y"
-- constants
a = F "a" []
b = F "b" []
-- functions
fa = F "f" [a]
fx = F "f" [x]
σ = [(x,y), (fx, fa)]
test = (applyLitSub (P "p" [x, b, fx]) σ) == (P "p" [y, b, fa])
Ideally I would like to have an interface for substitutions (i.e one could use Data.Map
etc) and secondly I would like a single substitute function that captures both term and literals.