
I'm trying to implement a single-layer in mapbox-GL that shows icons which change when clicked. So far I've attempted the following:

Use a property (after pre-loading the images as active and inactive):

'icon-image': ["case",["boolean", ["feature-state", "clicked"], false],

And various versions of map.updateImage() to dynamically change the image that is displayed for each point:

map.updateImage(`point1`, map.loadImage('/img/pin_active.png'))
map.updateImage(`point1`, 'active')) //with the image being loaded beforehand as 'active'
map.updateImage(`point1`, map.loadImage('/img/pin_active.png', function(error, image) {
                        if (error) throw error;
                        map.addImage(point1, image);

The only solution that does work is using SDF (mapbox gl change icon color) - but this does not work for my icons, which are multi-color (and they get pretty ugly since the SDF format seems to scale badly).

Any ideas on how to approach this?

What exactly do you mean, icons which change when clicked? If you're just cycling through a couple of icons, it would be much simpler to just load them all in advance. Or even use markers rather than icon layers.Steve Bennett
I just want to display an 'active' version of the icon when said Icon has been clicked. It would be fine to just cycle through a set of icons. I've tried to make the icon-image dependent on feature state, but it appears that the layout layer does not support this kind of reactive property?T. Altena

1 Answers


Ok, so after a bit of extra fiddling around I found a working solution. Just leaving this here for whoever finds it later.

If we load the images beforehand as strings active and inactive:

            map.loadImage('/img/pin_blue.png', function(error, image) {
                if (error) throw error;
                map.addImage('inactive', image);
            map.loadImage('/img/pin_red.png', function(error, image) {
                if (error) throw error;
                map.addImage('active', image);

we can do the following:

            let data = {} // object that stores the geojson data
            let points = map.queryRenderedFeatures(e.point, {
                layers: ['projects-point']
            if (points.length) {
                data.map(function(item, index) {
                if (item.id === points[0].id) {
                    data[index].properties.image = 'active'
                    data[index].properties.image = 'inactive'