I am using own custom HTML page for my user flows in azure adb2c. I am using react js adb2c libraries in my application. In signup and sign in v2 user flow, there is an option for forgot the password, but the link doesn't take me to my password reset user flow. Error in console: access_denied:AADB2C90118: The user has forgotten their password. I am not getting any samples in react js to solve this issue. This error is thrown from the react-azure-adb2c library. Any suggestion will be great.
You can refer to stackoverflow.com/questions/55718030/…
– Tony Ju
the link stackoverflow.com/questions/55718030/… gives sample in asp.net, but am using react js. is there anyway to link userflows in react js applications?
– Vigneshwaran KS
We need to to handle the forgot password scenario ourselves. github.com/Azure-Samples/…
– Tony Ju
By the way, can you provide the adb2c lib link which you are using?
– Tony Ju
i referred this link: npmjs.com/package/react-azure-adb2c and installed library with command: npm install react-azure-adb2c --save. Am just following the steps as is in that link.
– Vigneshwaran KS
1 Answers
I solved my problem by using this library: https://github.com/leszekczajka/msal-b2c-react It has option to specify my resetPolicy as well, so when i click on Forgot Password link, am redirected to my reset user flow which i created in adb2c. Thanks all for your help.