
You can use S3 Select with Spark on Amazon EMR and with Databricks, but only for CSV and JSON files. I am guessing that S3 Select isn't offered for columnar file formats because it wouldn't help that much.

Let's say we have a data lake of people with first_name, last_name and country columns.

If the data is stored as CSV files and you run a query like peopleDF.select("first_name").distinct().count(), then S3 will transfer all the data for all the columns to the ec2 cluster to run the computation. This is really inefficient because we don't need all the last_name and country data to run this query.

If the data is stored as CSV files and you run the query with S3 select, then S3 will only transfer the data in the first_name column to run the query.


If the data is stored in a Parquet data lake and peopleDF.select("first_name").distinct().count() is run, then S3 will only transfer the data in the first_name column to the ec2 cluster. Parquet is a columnar file format and this is one of the main advantages.

So based on my understanding, S3 Select wouldn't help speed up an analysis on a Parquet data lake because columnar file formats offer the S3 Select optimization out of the box.

I am not sure because a coworker is certain I am wrong and because S3 Select supports the Parquet file format. Can you please confirm that columnar file formats provide the main optimization offered by S3 Select?


2 Answers


This is an interesting question. I don't have any real numbers, though I have done the S3 select binding code in the hadoop-aws module. Amazon EMR have some values, as do databricks.

For CSV IO Yes, S3 Select will speedup given aggressive filtering of source data, e.g many GB of data but not much back. Why? although the read is slower, you save on the limited bandwidth to your VM.

For Parquet though, the workers split up a large file into parts and schedule the work across them (Assuming a splittable compression format like snappy is used), so > 1 worker can work on the same file. And they only read a fraction of the data (==bandwidth benefits less), But they do seek around in that file (==need to optimise seek policy else cost of aborting and reopening HTTP connections)

I'm not convinced that Parquet reads in the S3 cluster can beat a spark cluster if there's enough capacity in the cluster and you've tuned your s3 client settings (for s3a this means: seek policy, thread pool size, http pool size) for performance too.

Like I said though: I'm not sure. Numbers are welcome.


Came across this spark package for s3 select on parquet [1]

[1] https://github.com/minio/spark-select