All answers are taken from the article you linked to:
1) Yes, you can get a list and it will not cost you extra
2) Yes, you have to rehydrate to read file contents, but you can delete without rehydrating
While a blob is in archive storage, the blob data is offline and cannot be read, copied, overwritten, or modified. You can't take snapshots of a blob in archive storage. However, the blob metadata remains online and available, allowing you to list the blob and its properties. For blobs in archive, the only valid operations are GetBlobProperties, GetBlobMetadata, ListBlobs, SetBlobTier, and DeleteBlob.
As an addition to the answer to the reading part of question 2):
Blob-level tiering allows you to change the tier of your data at the object level using a single operation called Set Blob Tier. You can easily change the access tier of a blob among the hot, cool, or archive tiers as usage patterns change, without having to move data between accounts. All tier changes happen immediately. However, rehydrating a blob from archive can take several hours.
3) The 180 days are the minimum amount of time a blob needs to be in archive storage. Changes before that period incur an early deletion charge. This does not change the way you delete blobs, so you can still call DeleteBlob
(and be charged the early deletion charge).
Any blob that is deleted or moved out of the cool (GPv2 accounts only) or archive tier before 30 days and 180 days respectively will incur a prorated early deletion charge.