I'm building an app with VueCLI and webpack. My app has the usual main main.js with vue components and scss assets compiling as expected to global .js and .css files.
But I also need to have a single example.scss file in my /src directory that compiles to a separate example.css file in a specific directory.
Here's my /src directory structure
- /assets
-- /scss
--- index.scss
--- _import1.scss
--- _import2.scss
--- example.scss
- /components
-- ... my vue components sit here
- main.js
- App.vue
What I want in the /dist directory:
- /css
-- index.hash.css
-- example.hash.css
- /js
-- index.hash.js
- index.html
How can I configure the vue.config.js file, with a custom webpack config (https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/webpack.html#simple-configuration), to enable the export of the separate example.css file ?
thank you.