I've recently been playing around with Spring Webflux and it looks extremely useful and efficient. Also, reading about Reactive Systems, it seems like one of the defining traits of such systems is that they are message-driven.
Came across this post on the web: https://www.captechconsulting.com/blogs/annotation-driven-reactive-web-apis-with-spring-webflux
This post also mentions,
Spring WebFlux contains support for Reactive HTTP Rest API(s), WebSocket applications, and Server-Sent Events. Spring WebFlux is responsive, resilient, scalable, and message-driven.
My question is that if a write a simple REST API, much like the post describes, performing CRUD operations backed by a MongoDB and using spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb-reactive, could I call my API service message-driven? I could also potentially add a Webclient to talk to some downstream services.
Does message driven in the context of a REST API even make sense?