I'm trying to add a BingMaps layer to an already initialized map. I'm getting an errorwhich I cannot make any sense of. Do you have an idea what's wrong? I'm using OpenLayers 5.3.1.
TypeError: r is null[Weitere Informationen] map.js:1:677385
• a http://localhost:8080/map/map.js:1
• inverse http://localhost:8080/map/map.js:1
• I http://localhost:8080/map/map.js:1
• transformInv_ http://localhost:8080/map/map.js:1
• u http://localhost:8080/map/map.js:1
• t http://localhost:8080/map/map.js:1
• getTile http://localhost:8080/map/map.js:1
• manageTilePyramid http://localhost:8080/map/map.js:1
• prepareFrame http://localhost:8080/map/map.js:1
• renderFrame http://localhost:8080/map/map.js:1
• renderFrame_ http://localhost:8080/map/map.js:1
• animationDelay_ http://localhost:8080/map/map.js:1
• <anonym> self-hosted:974
My typescript looks like this:
import Map from 'ol/Map';
import OlTileLayer from 'ol/layer/Tile';
import BingMaps from 'ol/source/BingMaps';
export class MapWrapper {
private _map: Map;
public getMap() {
return this._map;
set map(value: Map) {
this._map = value;
public createBingLayer(bingKey: string, style : string) : OlTileLayer {
return new OlTileLayer({
visible: true,
preload: Infinity,
source: new BingMaps({
key: bingKey,
imagerySet: style
And the javascript in my HTML is just this:
function addBingMap() {
var realMap = map.mapWrapper.getMap();
var bingLayer = map.mapHolder.createBingLayer("someAPIKey", "Road");
//realMap.getLayers().insertAt(0, bingLayer);
I figured out that the error I see is caused by BingMaps tiles being reprojected to EPSG:32632, which all my other layers use. The error is thrown in the proj4 transformer() method. I've created a bug ticket for ol, since I think it should at least throw a meaningful error message even in case I can not mix BingMaps (web mercator projection) with layers using another projection.