I have an asp.net mvc application deployed in IIS. Sometimes its application pool worker process hangs so using PRTG Network Monitor I have added a sensor: Application Pool PerfCounter IIS. How can I configure it in order to when application pool worker process hangs I can see it in the graph?
1 Answers
You can use Powershell module WebAdministration
to get pool details
# import module
Import-Module WebAdministration
# get your pool worker process
$process=$(dir IIS:\AppPools\Wikifolio.Web.API\WorkerProcesses)
# show everything for this process
Get-Process -Id $process.processId | Select *
This will give you large amount of data about this process
I am usually interested in following parameters: PrivateMemorySize64
In our case whenever HandleCount
is over 10 thousand i need to raise alarm or if CPU goes over specific amount of % then it is time to act