
There is a similar question about combining vectors with different lengths here, but all answers (except @Ronak Shah`s answer) loose the names/colnames.

My problem is that I need to keep the column names, which seems to be possible using the rowr package and cbind.fills.

I would like to stay in base-R or use stringi and the output shoud remain a matrix.

Test data:

inp <- list(structure(c("1", "2"), .Dim = 2:1, .Dimnames = list(NULL,"D1")), 
            structure(c("3", "4", "5"), .Dim = c(3L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, "D2")))

I know that I could get the column names beforehand and then reassign them after creating the matrix, like:

## Using stringi
colnam <- unlist(lapply(inp, colnames))
out <- stri_list2matrix(inp)
colnames(out) <- colnam

## Using base-R
colnam <- unlist(lapply(inp, colnames))
max_length <- max(lengths(inp))
nm_filled <- lapply(inp, function(x) {
  ans <- rep(NA, length = max_length)
  ans[1:length(x)]<- x
out <- do.call(cbind, nm_filled)
colnames(out) <- colnam

Are there other options that keep the column names?

In that question it is list of vectors but here you have got list of matrices. Is that intentional ?Ronak Shah
Yes I know, but it is still working with matrices aswell. Yes it could also have multiple columns, not just 2.SeGa
How would different columns be treated? For example, what would be your expected output for inp after changing inp[[1]] <- cbind(inp[[1]], "D3" = 4) ?Ronak Shah
It should be filled with NA. So this should result in cbind(inp[[1]], "D3" = c(4,NA))SeGa

3 Answers


Since stringi is ok for you to use, you can use the function stri_list2matrix(), i.e.

setNames(as.data.frame(stringi::stri_list2matrix(inp)), sapply(inp, colnames))
#    D1 D2
#1    1  3
#2    2  4
#3 <NA>  5

Here is a slightly more concise base R variation

len <- max(lengths(inp))
nms <- sapply(inp, colnames)
do.call(cbind, setNames(lapply(inp, function(x)
    replace(rep(NA, len), 1:length(x), x)), nms))
#      D1  D2
#[1,] "1" "3"
#[2,] "2" "4"
#[3,] NA  "5"

Not sure if this constitutes a sufficiently different solution from what you've already posted. Will remove if deemed too similar.


Or how about a merge?

    function(x, y) merge(x, y, all = T, by = 0),
    lapply(inp, as.data.frame))[, -1]
#    D1 D2
#1    1  3
#2    2  4
#3 <NA>  5

The idea here is to convert the list entries to data.frames, then add a row number and merge by row and merge by row by setting by = 0 (thanks @Henrik). Note that this will return a data.frame rather than a matrix.


Here is using base:

        lapply(inp, function(i){
          x <- data.frame(i, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          as.matrix( x[ seq(max(lengths(inp))), , drop = FALSE ] ) 
          #if we matrices have more than 1 column use:
          #as.matrix( x[ seq(max(sapply(inp, nrow))), , drop = FALSE ] )

#    D1  D2 
# 1  "1" "3"
# 2  "2" "4"
# NA NA  "5"

The idea is to make all matrices to have the same number of rows. When we subset dataframe by index, rows that do not exist will be returned as NA, then we convert back to matrix and cbind.