I have just switched from python 3.6 to python 3.7. I have a function which inserts rows in a Treeview tree with tags. The tags are used for giving a foreground color and a background color to the rows inserted to the tree. My code was working ok when I was using python 3.6. Once I switched to 3.7 the rows inserted were not given a background or foreground color but where only given a white background and a black foreground color.
There doesn't seem to be a syntax change in tkinter.ttk from python 3.6 to 3.7 regarding tag configuration or tree insert.
tree.tag_configure('MATCHED', foreground='dark green', background='gray98')
tree.tag_configure('UNMATCHED', foreground='red2', background='gray98')
if match_status== '1':
tree.insert('', 'end', text=df_row, values=my_value, tag='MATCHED')
elif match_status == '0':
tree.insert('', 'end', text=df_row, values=my_value, tag='UNMATCHED')`
It is expected that when the rows are inserted to the tree to be given the correct background and foreground color.
Any help is appreciated.
? It would also help if you created a working minimal reproducible example. It shouldn't take but a dozen lines or so. That would rule out that some other code is causing the problem. – Bryan Oakley