
On TFS/TFVC I have this project with these branches:


Now I'm migrating all my TFS projects to Git using the Azure DevOps Portal.

There I click on "Import Repository" and choose to import from TFVC. At this is all fine.

enter image description here

But the "Import Repository" don't recognise and separate the branches.

My idea is to create a Git repository by importing the ProjectAbc_Main branch to be the master and then create a branch based on master to be my DEV branch.

But I want to import my TFS ProjectAbc_Dev branch to my Git DEV branch and include all the history too.

How can I do that?

I can change my Git DEV branch with the TFS ProjectAbc_Dev branch and then sync the branch, but with this I loose my ProjectAbc_Dev history and I want to keep the history.

Any idea?


1 Answers


That's not possible with AzureDevOps migration tool that support only simple cases.

You should use a tool like git-tfs to be able todo that: https://github.com/git-tfs/git-tfs/blob/master/doc/usecases/migrate_tfs_to_git.md#fetch-all-the-history-for-all-branches