
I've succeeded build with TFS 2015 Using MSbuild task. Now I've added Sonar qube tasks (SonarQube for MSBuild - Begin Analysis & End Analysis), find the Sonarqube settings below:

enter image description here

1. What is the Project key & how do we get it? I just gave Project Name as key.

Immediately on build trigger threw error/warning:

There are issues with the request or definition that may prevent the build from running:No agent could be found with the following capabilities: msbuild, java, msbuild, java. Queue the build anyway?

On Trigger Build further, Build failed with following error

No agent found in pool which satisfies the specified demands: msbuild java msbuild msbuild java Agent.Version -gtVersion 1.94.0

On cross-checking, i see that under General section in Build definition : Demand for MSBuild & java exists.

2. Am i correct or missing anything/settings?

enter image description here

I've configured Service Endpoint for SonarQube also. Find the screen shot below:

enter image description here

Please suggest on my error & queries highlighted.

What about the agent version? Is it at least version 1.94?Daniel Mann
Agent Version is 1.95.4Shalem

1 Answers


When adding new task which required agent capabilities you need to add it to the agent.

enter image description here

The capabilities must be installed on the build servers where the agents are located.


I just installed sonar qube on my test environment. I got the same exception as you did, fixed it by installing java and msbuild . Check,if those capabilities exists under your agent :

enter image description here