
I'm using ASP.Net Core 2.2.

By default, session cookie is stored in a cookie named .AspNetCore.Session on a specific domain (e.g: mydomain.com).

In my case I have multiple .net core applications under the domain. mydomain.com/Module1, mydomain.com/Module2, etc...

With this scenario, all the applications share the same cookie for their session. The consequence is that an application try to read the session of the other and generate a warning in the logs:

Error unprotecting the session cookie. System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: The key {...} was not found in the key ring.

Although It's just a warning and session seems to working fine on each application, I wanted to know the proper way to handle this situation.



1 Answers


A solution that I've found is to change the session cookie name for each application:

In Startup / Configure() :

app.UseSession(new SessionOptions() { Cookie = new CookieBuilder() { 
    Name = ".AspNetCore.Session.MyApp1"}});