I designed a beam / dataflow pipeline using the beam python library. The pipeline roughly does the following:
- ParDo: Collect JSON data from an API
- ParDo: Transform JSON data
- I/O: Write transformed data to BigQuery Table
Generally, the code does what it is supposed to do. However, when collecting a big dataset from the API (around 500.000 JSON files), the bigquery insert job stops right (=within one second) after it has been started without specific error message when using the DataflowRunner (it's working with DirectRunner executed on my computer). When using a smaller dataset,everything works just fine.
Dataflow log is as follows:
2019-04-22 (00:41:29) Executing BigQuery import job "dataflow_job_14675275193414385105". You can check its status with the...
Executing BigQuery import job "dataflow_job_14675275193414385105". You can check its status with the bq tool: "bq show -j --project_id=X dataflow_job_14675275193414385105".
2019-04-22 (00:41:29) Workflow failed. Causes: S01:Create Dummy Element/Read+Call API+Transform JSON+Write to Bigquery /Wr...
Workflow failed. Causes: S01:Create Dummy Element/Read+Call API+Transform JSON+Write to Bigquery /WriteToBigQuery/NativeWrite failed., A work item was attempted 4 times without success. Each time the worker eventually lost contact with the service. The work item was attempted on:
Using the bq cli tool as suggested to get more information about the BQ load job does not work. The job cannot be found (and I doubt that it has been created at all due to instant failure).
I suppose I run into some kind of quota / bq restriction or even an out of memory issue (see: https://beam.apache.org/documentation/io/built-in/google-bigquery/)
Limitations BigQueryIO currently has the following limitations.
You can’t sequence the completion of a BigQuery write with other steps of >your pipeline.
If you are using the Beam SDK for Python, you might have import size quota >issues if you write a very large dataset. As a workaround, you can partition >the dataset (for example, using Beam’s Partition transform) and write to >multiple BigQuery tables. The Beam SDK for Java does not have this >limitation as it partitions your dataset for you.
I'd appreciate any hint on how to narrow down the root cause for this issue.
I'd also like to try out a Partition Fn but did not find any python source code examples how to write a partitioned pcollection to BigQuery Tables.