
I don't know why my routing has not happened.

so far

<table mat-table [dataSource]="searchResult_DS" class="mat-elevation-z8">
     <ng-container [matColumnDef]="column" *ngFor="let column of displayedColumns">
         <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef> {{column}} </th>
         <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element" > {{element[column]}} </td>

     <tr mat-header-row *matHeaderRowDef="displayedColumns"></tr>
     <tr mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: displayedColumns;" 
       [routerLink] = "['/show-this-user-page', row.custId]" 
       (click)=highlightSelectedRow(row) [ngClass]="{ 'bg-clr': row === selectedRow }">

right now, am having a table with the list of data. whenever the user selects particular row it should navigate to the next page

public highlightSelectedRow(row): void
    this.picked = row.custId; 

    // i can able get values from here
    //do i need to add below line here.?


const routes: Routes = [

    path: 'Here-where-am-doingStuffes',
    canActivate: [AuthenticationGuard],
    component: Here-where-am-doingStuffes
    // this page landing with my mat-table- then am doing routing on row 
    path: 'sample route 1',
    canActivate: [AuthenticationGuard],
    component: sample-route-1
    path: 'sample route 1',
    canActivate: [AuthenticationGuard],
    component: sample-route-2
    path: 'second-main-data',
    loadChildren: '/some-other-module/someother-data.module#SecondMainModule'


ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Template parse errors: Can't bind to 'routerLink' since it isn't a known property of 'td'. ("header-cell *matHeaderCellDef> {{column}} ][routerLink] = "['/show-this-user', element.email]"> {{element[column]}} "): ng:///AdminModule/searchUser.html@35:51 Error: Template parse errors: Can't bind to 'routerLink' since it isn't a known property of 'td'. ("header-cell *matHeaderCellDef> {{column}} ][routerLink] = "['/show-this-user', element.email]"> {{element[column]}} "): ng:///AdminModule/searchUser.html@35:51

could someone tell me where should I've to change my code and what else needs to be added? it would so helpful if you share the working demo.

Usually that error indicates that you have not included a reference the Angular RoutingModule in the module that the control is in. Without that, the compiler doesn't know what to do with that directive.R. Richards
I added ^^ to the answer with an example, hope that's coolDince12
yeah.. am doing your changes in my local. ll, let you know :)Mr. Learner
Seems like RoutingModule is not injected into the appModuleGary
that and all injected already.Mr. Learner

2 Answers


If you wanted to you could keep the click listener and the following function should set the route params and navigate. Would then take of the [routerlink] from the <tr>


<tr mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: displayedColumns;"
  (click)=highlightSelectedRow(row) [ngClass]="{ 'bg-clr': row === selectedRow }">

Ensure the path you are going to route to has been set up to accept a param like so. the /:id will let it accept one, change it to whatever your example needs to be. (I think this might be the issue).

{ path: 'home/:id', component: HomeViewComponent }

be sure to inject Router and import it.

import { Router } from '@angular/router';

export class exampleRouter {

    constructor( private router: Router) {}

    public highlightSelectedRow(row): void
        this.picked = row.custId;
        this.router.navigate(['show-this-user-page, this.picked']);


I think you are missing an import in your module, should include routing module like so.

import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router';

  declarations: [ AppComponent],
  imports: [ 
    RouterModule, // important one, be sure to import
  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule { }

And then in your template you should be able to have.

<tr mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: displayedColumns;" 
   [routerLink]="['show-this-user-page', row.custId]" 
   (click)=highlightSelectedRow(row) [ngClass]="{ 'bg-clr': row === selectedRow }">

Solution for my scenario is achieved by using queryParams properly


 this._router.navigate(['/goto-this-useDetail'], {queryParams: {email : this.currentlychosen}});


this._route.queryParams.subscribe(p => {
      this._order = p.email;

How to use queryParams properly - refere here