I have Fragments X, A, B, and i'm using Navigation architecture component to navigate between them.
Fragments A, B specific, but Fragment X can be any(C,D,...);
Fragments A and B from Bottom Navigation and their "navigations icons" always on the screen, it means user can go to A or B anytime from any Fragment(include A and B):
X -> A -> B
X -> B -> A
A -> B -> X
A -> B -> A
//another ways
My problem about this case:
X -> A -> B -> A -> B -> ?
If user started from X
, reached ?
and begin to go back by "back" button, he goes throw A
several times:
User pressed back:
? -> B -> A -> B -> A -> X
But I want "to exclude" fragments from backstack if they already on it:
? -> A -> B -> X
If user navigate:
X -> A -> B -> A
I want to see:
A -> B -> X
A -> B -> A -> X
I'm trying to do it with Pop To, but it can return me on one one concrete Fragment only. I need to return on my started X Fragment, not hardcoded. Inclusive and Single top is not about it.
I'm not sure i can do it with basic Navigation component, so i need your advice. If i can't do it, what way should i use? Is there any good practices about it?
I'm using global points to navigate between Fragments. It's how my navigation looks like:
The right|bottom chain is X, i can navigate from any of it to to not chanied fragments using bottom navigation. It's Single Activity app, to navigate i'm using just:
//Using global points