I am using Neo4j (version 3.4.1) and Spring-data-neo4j (5.0.10.RELEASE) in my application. I am also using OGM.
I have the below relationship between my nodes:
A vehicle (V) has Part(s) (P1 and P2). Parts can be bought from dealers (D1, D2 and D3). Part themselves can be linked to each other (for e.g P2 is linked with P1)
I am trying to write a cypher query to get a Part node matching an id. I want to get the node along with its related nodes and relationships.
Below is my query:
@Query(("MATCH (Vehicle:v{id:{vehicleId}}) \n" +
"MATCH (Part:part{id:{id}}) \n" +
"WITH DISTINCT part \n" +
"MATCH q=(v)-[:HAS_PART]->(part)-[:FROM_DEALER|:IS_LINKED_WITH]->()\n" +
"RETURN nodes(q), relationships(q)"))
Optional<Part> findByIdForGivenPart(@Param("vehicleId") String vehicleId, @Param("id") String id);
When I run the query passing id of Part P1, I get the correct result. However, when I run it passing id of Part P2, I get an exception :
org.springframework.dao.IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException: Incorrect result size: expected at most 1
which I understand is because in this case two parts are getting returned.
I would like to know the cypher query syntax so that I get correct result (i.e P2) along with its related nodes when I pass id of P2. I want that the P1 node should also be returned as P2 is linked with P1.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Edit: Added queries to generate sample data.
merge (v:Vehicle{id:'V1'})-[:HAS_PART]->(p:Part{id:'P1'})-[:FROM_DEALER]->(d1:Dealer{id:'D1'})
merge (p)-[:FROM_DEALER]->(d2:Dealer{id:'D2'})
match (v :Vehicle{id:'V1'})
match (d2:Dealer{id:'D2'})
merge (v)-[:HAS_PART]->(p:Part{id:'P2'})-[:FROM_DEALER]->(d2)
merge (p2)-[:FROM_DEALER]->(d3:Dealer{id:'D3'})
merge (p2)-[:IS_LINKED_WITH]->(p1)
Regards, V