I'm trying to test an if
condition with props. It works fine if I pass in this.props.thingToTest
but if I assign something like const propsVariable = this.props.thingToTest
and test the if
condition, I won't get code coverage.
I've tried passing in the const as props in my shallow wrapper, or declaring the const in the test but it still doesn't see it.
Component code:
render() {
const propsVariable = this.props.thingToTest;
if (this.props.otherThingToTest === 'test') {
return <Component />;
} else {
if (propsVariable) {
return <OtherComponent />;
Test code:
const props = {
propsVariable: {}
it('tests else condition in render method', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<OriginalComponent {...props} />);
const instance = wrapper.instance();
jest.spyOn(instance, 'render');
I expect the else case to get hit and return <OtherComponent />
but it doesn't hit the else case at all.
If I put otherThingToTest
in the props object in my test it'll hit the first if
case fine, but because my other prop thingToTest
is assigned to a variable, it won't hit the else case and I'm not sure how to test that.