
I am trying to import my json file to excel via the get data function. When doing this i get an error saying that "We found extra characters at the end of JSON input"

i ran the json file in jsonformatter and got this additional piece of information:

Parse error on line 1: ...s":"1555615338756"} {"created_at":"Thu A -----------------------^ Expecting 'EOF', '}', ',', ']', got '{'

Edit: line 1

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uh... fix the JSON so it validates? not entirely sure where the JSON is coming from nor what the "get data function" is.Scott Holtzman
If the error is on line 1 then maybe it would help to show the full content of line 1? Where is your JSON from?Tim Williams
looking again, the issue is you have to curly braces without a separator... 5338756"} {"created_. Depending on the beginning of line 1 you most likely need a comma between the end and open curly bracketScott Holtzman
@ScottHoltzman post that as an aswer; given the context, that is the only answer i can see... should be able to get this off the unanswered listCyril
Seems there is Relaxed JSON sample. And I guess the get data function expects standard JSON.omegastripes

2 Answers


The answer is in the error message:

Expecting 'EOF', '}', ',', ']', got '{'

Looking at where { appears notice that directly before that is }. The JSON has no separator after the closing curly } and thus cannot process it because it's looking for one of the following:

  • EOF
  • }
  • ,
  • ]

In this case, it most likely needs a ,. It could also need ],, if it's an array of items. If neither of those fix it, you will need to post the entire line 1 of your JSON.


Forever old, but I was trying to ingest an AWS CloudCheckr JSON into Excel via Power Query and getting the "We found extra characters at the end of JSON input."

Finally figured out, with the help of https://jsonformatter.org/ that some data was provided as True -- without quotes, which Excel PQ needed. Simple find/replacing :True, with :"True", did the trick.

Seriously, Microsoft, you did not recognize Boolean when you found it? Excel would have had no problem.