I am experiencing the following error in GLSL. Here is the fragment shader:
#version 450 core
layout(binding = DIFFUSE_TEX_UNIT) uniform sampler2D colorTex;
layout (location = INDEX_UNIFORM_LOC) uniform uint u_blendMode;
//...more code here related to the case
//... rest of the code(not important)
Now,when I compile this shader into program without declaring SOME_SPECIAL_CASE,and still set u_blendMode
uniform during runtime,I am getting the following error from driver:
GL_INVALID_OPERATION error generated. value is invalid; expected GL_INT or GL_UNSIGNED_INT64_NV.
But I would expect to get an error like this:
GL_INVALID_OPERATION error generated. ' location ' is invalid.
Because there is no location with such an index (0) if I don't set SOME_SPECIAL_CASE
preprocessor flag. Then I decided to check what uniform I have got, which requires GL_INT
,so I queried uniform name based on its location (zero):
char buff[20];
GLsizei len = 0;
glGetActiveUniformName(prog.progHandle, 0, 20, &len, buff);
And got the name 'colorTex',which is the name of sampler2D uniform that has binding index DIFFUSE_TEX_UNIT
,that is also zero.
Untill now,I believed uniform location and binding points do not use same indices and I still believe they don't,because otherwise this shader,when compiled with SOME_SPECIAL_CASE
active would fail,as well as many other shaders I have written thru my work history.Hence it looks utterly weird why that sampler2D uniform binding index is affected when I am setting non-existing uniform location,and I also use specific type (GLSL - uint)
glProgramUniform1ui(prog, location, (GLuint)value);
Which also doesn't match the type of sampler2D (so the error is kinda right at least about type mismatch). Is it a driver bug?
One more thing,I tried to check in docs if binding and location indices really overlap and found this statement:
It is illegal to assign the same uniform location to two uniforms in the same shader or the same program. Even if those two uniforms have the same name and type, and are defined in different shader stages, it is not legal to explicitly assign them the same uniform location; a linker error will occur.
This is just absolutely wrong! I have been doing this for years. And tried that again after reading those lines. Having same uniform,with same location in both vertex and fragment shader compiles and works fine.
My setup:
- NVIDIA Quadro P2000, driver 419.17
- OpenGL 4.5
- Windows 10 64bit
Regarding the ability to use same uniform on same location,at least on NVIDIA GPU the following compiles and runs fine:
Vertex shader
#version 450 core
layout(location = 0) in vec2 v_Position;
layout(location = MVP_UNIFORM_LOC) uniform mat4 u_MVP;
smooth out vec2 texCoord;
void main()
texCoord = v_Position;
gl_Position = u_MVP * vec4(v_Position,0.0,1.0);
Fragment shader:
#version 450 core
#define TEX_MAP_UNIT 5
layout(binding = TEX_MAP_UNIT ) uniform sampler2D texMap;
layout(location = MVP_UNIFORM_LOC) uniform mat4 u_MVP;
smooth in vec2 texCoord;
out vec4 OUTPUT;
void main()
vec4 tex = texture(texMap, texCoord);
OUTPUT = u_MVP * tex;
FYI: This function takes uniform indices, not uniform locations. Indices are used for all uniform introspection functions (unless it takes a name). – Nicol Bolas