This is an example order document I have
{startDate: “2010:10:10”, numberOfHours: 10},
{startDate: “2010:11:10”, numberOfHours: 5},
{startDate: “2011:12:10”, numberOfHours: 1},
{startDate: “2012:10:10”, numberOfHours: 10}
First I want to calculate number of orders(totalOrders) and calculate sum of numberOfHours(totalHours) for each year of startDate. Then for each month of the year I need to calculate number of orders(orders) and calculate sum of numberOfHours(hours). Output should look like the following
// Current year first
year: 2019,
totalOrders: 120,
totalHours: 1234,
months: [
month: 0, // 0 based month index so jan = 0
orders: 12,
hours: 120
month: 1,
orders: 5,
hours: 100
// 2018 etc
I looked at nested @group examples and could not find a match. I know how to group for year and month as follows
const result = await this._collection.aggregate([
$project: {
startYear: { $substr: ["$startDate", 0, 4] },
startMonth: { $substr: ["$startDate", 5, 2] }
$group: {
_id: { year: "$startYear", month: "$startMonth" },
orders: { $sum: 1 },
hours: { $sum: "$numberOfHours" }
Any idea how to proceed to the output that I have mentioned? Any help will be highly appreciated.