
UPDATE: Upon further research in the object browser... it appears that an MSForms.TextBox implements neither the .Name property or _Exit events - only _Change events. Is there a way to determine which specific TextBox generated a change event?

Alternately is it possible to use the MSForms.Control with this technique? The Control object implements the .Name property and _Exit event.

Can you listen for a TextBox exit event? Similarly to how a normal TextBox event would work? E.g.

  Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
        'Update a certain label based on the value of the TextBox
  End Sub

The following doesn't catch the exit event. Moreover, while I can see the .Name property of the TextBox which generated the event for MyTextBox in the locals window, I cannot access that info to determine which label to act on.

This class technique was adapted from this post, and this post, which caught the change events.

Class clsTextBox:

Private WithEvents MyTextBox As MSForms.TextBox

Public Property Set Control(tb As MSForms.TextBox)
    Set MyTextBox = tb
End Property

' Want to handle this event, but it's not caught when exiting the TextBox control
Private Sub MyTextBox_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    'Debug.Print me.Control.name
    'Update a certain label based on the value of the TextBox
End Sub

' Catching this event but can't identify the control which triggered it
Private Sub MyTextBox_Change()
    Debug.Print MyTextBox.Value ' <--- This prints the correct value
    Debug.Print Me.Control.Name ' <--- ERROR here on any variation of Me or MyTextBox
    'Update a certain label based on the value of the TextBox
End Sub

I have a series of dynamically created controls which need listeners. Code follows:

  Option Explicit
  Dim tbCollection As Collection

  Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
        Dim ctrl As MSForms.Control
        Dim obj As clsTextBox
        Dim acftNumber As Long
        Dim mPage As MSForms.MultiPage ' Control
        Dim lbl_acftName As MSForms.Label
        Dim lbl_currentHrs As MSForms.Label
        Dim lbl_hrsDUE As MSForms.Label
        Dim lbl_dateXFRIn As MSForms.Label
        Dim lbl_dateXFROut As MSForms.Label
        Dim lbl_hrsOnXFROut As MSForms.Label
        Dim txb_currentHrs As MSForms.TextBox
        Dim txb_hrsDUE As MSForms.TextBox
        Dim txb_dateXFRIn As MSForms.TextBox
        Dim txb_dateXFROut As MSForms.TextBox
        Dim txb_hrsOnXFROut As MSForms.TextBox
        Dim i As Double
        Dim pgName As String
        Dim acftName As String

        ' Correct for border size calculations bug in Excel 2016
        Me.Height = 249.75
        Me.Width = 350.25

        acftNumber = Range("aircraft").Count 'Unknown value from 3 to 10

        Set mPage = Me.multipage_file_week 'set Multipage variable

        For i = 1 To acftNumber
              'set name/title for new page
              pgName = "pg_acft_" & i
              acftName = Range("aircraft").Cells(i, 1).Value

              'mPage.Pages.Add pgName, pgTitle

              With mPage 'add acft tab
                    ' add the aircraft page to the multipage
                    .Pages.Add pgName, acftName

                    ' Aircraft Name Label
                    Set lbl_acftName = .Pages(i).Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "lbl_acftName_" & i, True)
                    With lbl_acftName
                          .Caption = acftName
                          .Font = "Arial"
                          .Font.Size = 12
                          .Font.Bold = True
                          .Left = 10
                          .Width = 55
                          .Top = 0
                    End With

                    ' Current Hours Label and TextBox
                    Set lbl_currentHrs = .Pages(i).Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "lbl_currentHrs_" & i, True)
                    With lbl_currentHrs
                          .Caption = "Current Asset Hours:"
                          .TextAlign = fmTextAlignRight
                          .Font = "Arial"
                          .Font.Size = 10
                          .Font.Bold = False
                          .Left = 20
                          .Width = 120
                          .Top = 25
                    End With
                    Set txb_currentHrs = .Pages(i).Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "txb_currentHrs_" & i, True)
                    With txb_currentHrs
                          .Value = "16004.5"
                          .Text = "16004.5"
                          .Font = "Arial"
                          .Font.Size = 10
                          .Font.Bold = False
                          .Left = 150
                          .Width = 70
                          .Top = 25
                    End With

                    ' Hours DUE Label and TextBox
                    Set lbl_hrsDUE = .Pages(i).Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "lbl_hrsDUE_" & i, True)
                    With lbl_hrsDUE
                          .Caption = "Hours next HMC DUE:"
                          .TextAlign = fmTextAlignRight
                          .Font = "Arial"
                          .Font.Size = 10
                          .Font.Bold = False
                          .Left = 20
                          .Width = 120
                          .Top = 50
                    End With
                    Set txb_hrsDUE = .Pages(i).Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "txb_hrsDUE_" & i, True)
                    With txb_hrsDUE
                          .Value = "16004.5"
                          .Text = "16004.5"
                          .Font = "Arial"
                          .Font.Size = 10
                          .Font.Bold = False
                          .Left = 150
                          .Width = 70
                          .Top = 50
                    End With

                    ' Date XFR In Label and TextBox
                    Set lbl_dateXFRIn = .Pages(i).Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "lbl_dateXFRIn_" & i, True)
                    With lbl_dateXFRIn
                          .Caption = "Estimated arrival date:"
                          .TextAlign = fmTextAlignRight
                          .Font = "Arial"
                          .Font.Size = 10
                          .Font.Bold = False
                          .Left = 20
                          .Width = 120
                          .Top = 75
                    End With

                    Set txb_dateXFRIn = .Pages(i).Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "txb_hrsDUE_" & i, True)
                    With txb_dateXFRIn
                          .Value = "4/16/2019"
                          .Text = "4/16/2019"
                          .Font = "Arial"
                          .Font.Size = 10
                          .Font.Bold = False
                          .Left = 150
                          .Width = 70
                          .Top = 75
                    End With

                    ' Date XFR Out Label and TextBox
                    Set lbl_dateXFROut = .Pages(i).Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "lbl_dateXFROut_" & i, True)
                    With lbl_dateXFROut
                          .Caption = "Estimated departure date:"
                          .TextAlign = fmTextAlignRight
                          .Font = "Arial"
                          .Font.Size = 10
                          .Font.Bold = False
                          .Left = 20
                          .Width = 120
                          .Top = 100
                    End With
                    Set txb_dateXFROut = .Pages(i).Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "txb_hrsDUE_" & i, True)
                    With txb_dateXFROut
                          .Value = "4/16/2019"
                          .Text = "4/16/2019"
                          .Font = "Arial"
                          .Font.Size = 10
                          .Font.Bold = False
                          .Left = 150
                          .Width = 70
                          .Top = 100
                    End With

                    ' Hours on XFR Out Label and TextBox
                    Set lbl_hrsOnXFROut = .Pages(i).Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1", "lbl_hrsOnXFROut_" & i, True)
                    With lbl_hrsOnXFROut
                          .Caption = "Desired hours remaining on departure:"
                          .TextAlign = fmTextAlignLeft
                          .Font = "Arial"
                          .Font.Size = 10
                          .Font.Bold = False
                          .Left = 20
                          .Width = 170
                          .Top = 125
                    End With
                    Set txb_hrsOnXFROut = .Pages(i).Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "txb_hrsDUE_" & i, True)
                    With txb_hrsOnXFROut
                          .Value = "35"
                          .Text = "35"
                          .Font = "Arial"
                          .Font.Size = 10
                          .Font.Bold = False
                          .Left = 200
                          .Width = 35
                          .Top = 125
                    End With
              End With

              Debug.Print Me.multipage_file_week.Pages(i).Name & ":"
              For Each ctrl In Me.multipage_file_week.Pages(i).Controls
                    Debug.Print "  - " & ctrl.Name
              Next ctrl

        Next i
        mPage.Value = 0
        Me.Caption = FILE_WEEK_FORM_TITLE

        Set tbCollection = New Collection
        For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
              If TypeOf ctrl Is MSForms.TextBox Then
                    Set obj = New clsTextBox
                    Set obj.Control = ctrl
                    tbCollection.Add obj
              End If
        Next ctrl
        Set obj = Nothing
  End Sub
Inside your class MyTextBox is the associated textbox, not Me (that would be the instance of the class itself)Tim Williams
@TimWilliams I also tried that - same error. It appears that an MSForms.TextBox implements neither the .Name property or _Exit events - onlt _Change events. Is there a way to determine which specific TextBox generated the event?Zephyr Mays
If you can't get at the Name from MyTextBox then you could store it as another property/field in your class...Tim Williams

2 Answers


MSForms.Control defines the Enter and Exit events: if you need to handle TextBox.Change, then you need two WithEvents variables:

Private WithEvents TextBoxEvents As MSForms.TextBox
Private WithEvents ControlEvents As MSForms.Control

Public Property Set Control(ByVal tb As Object)
    Set TextBoxEvents = tb
    Set ControlEvents = tb
End Property

MSForms.Control is also the interface through which you get to access properties like Name, Top, Left, Visible, etc.

Tip: Never type event handler procedure signatures by hand. Select the source interface from the dropdown in the upper-left corner of the code pane, then select an event to handle from the upper-right dropdown; let the VBE generate the members with the correct signature. If you're in a handler procedure and the upper-left dropdown says "(general)", you're not in an event handler.


While the above code compiles fine and the MSForms.Control interface does expose the events we're looking to handle...

?TypeOf tb Is MSForms.Control
?TypeOf tb Is MSForms.TextBox

...there's a bit of COM hackery going on behind the scenes; there's enough smokes & mirrors for VBA to successfully compile the above, but, basically, you're looking at a glitch in The Matrix (Rubberduck's resolver has similar "nope" issues with MSForms controls): there isn't any obvious way to get VBA to bind a dynamic control object to its MSForms.Control events.


With the help of the ConnectToConnectionPoint API you can catch the Event (Every Event, also Enter and Exit) for every control.

Have a look here: Trigger Enter field behaviour through class for a control

For Exit it will be

Public Sub myExit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Attribute myExit.VB_UserMemId = -2147384829
End Sub