
I am trying to rename keys when serializing an object to json.

I understand the way to do that is to, rather than just using deriving generic, define an instance with custom key names like so:

-- instance ToJSON R2  -- old
instance ToJSON R2 where
  toJSON (R2 recCode recDate) = object [ "code" .= recCode , "date" .= recDate ]
-- new

However, this gives me:

<interactive>:2:70: error:
    Ambiguous occurrence ‘.=’
    It could refer to either ‘Data.Aeson..=’, imported from ‘Data.Aeson’ (and originally defined in ‘aeson-’)
                          or ‘Control.Lens..=’, imported from ‘Control.Lens’ (and originally defined in ‘Control.Lens.Setter’)

My attempt to fix this was to explicitly force the meaning of the .= operator by defining it in my code, eg:

(.=) = Data.Aeson.(.=)

This was a guess, but seems like the wrong syntax. I added the parens by analogy to the following resources:

This gave me this error:

(.=) = Data.Aeson (.=)

<interactive>:1:8: error:
    Not in scope: data constructor ‘Data.Aeson’
    No module named ‘Data’ is imported.

What is the correct syntax to say, "let .= be unambiguously the .= from Data.Aeson" ?


2 Answers


If you're OK with defining .= in your file to be the one from Aeson, you can simply hide the import of .= from Control.Lens:

import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))

Outer brackets are the import hiding list, inner brackets required due to .= being an operator - that is, having a name with non-alphanumeric characters.


The answer can be found by reading the error output more carefully to see two periods, and surrounding the (whole thing) with parens as an operator. This works

(.=) = (Data.Aeson..=)