I'm very new to Scheme and am working on a problem defined as follows:
Write a scheme function find-loc which takes two parameters, a list lst and an atom atm, and returns the index of the first location where atm occurs in the list. The location index is 1-relative. If atm does not occur in the list, the function returns n + 1, where n is the length of the list.
what I've got so far is:
(define (find-loc list atm)
(if (not(list? list))
((null? list)
((eq? (car list)atm)
(else (+ (find-loc (cdr list atm) 1) )))
I feel that I'm close but am a bit stuck. My main questions are as follows:
how do I define what the atom is?
why am I getting the following error? "define: expected only one expression for the function body, but found 1 extra part"