I am trying to populate a cell, and only display value if it does not already exist. If it exists, then display another value.
...But I cannot get my head around how to do this.
I currently have the following formula placed on cells in the E column
This matches some other criteria as you can see here. However, what you can also see is the value 7 is getting displayed twice. I'm wanting it not to display any values in use.
So, I then added an extra column, called 'Room In Use' in a config sheet, where the data is coming from... this column has some formulas to check if the values are in use
You can see this in action here:
So, going back to my sheet1, I think this formula needs another condition to say If room in use == FALSE then do
else if all rooms are TRUE then display 'None Available'
I tried using:
{=INDEX(config!H2:H20,MATCH(1,(F5=config!F2:F20)*("FALSE"=config!J2:J20)*(VLOOKUP(D5,config!C2:D20,2,FALSE)=config!G2:G20),0)) }
but to no avail...
Is this even possible in an excel formula or will I need to use VBA?
I have attached my excel document here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/crmbbp8esdvnv29/Book1.xlsm?dl=0