I've been working at this for a while now and I can't figure out what's wrong.
At this point I've built everything from source and it still doesn't work. My environment is Windows 10 x64 and I'm compiling with Cygwin's MinGW-w64. Everything is compiled as i686 (32-bit) and not x86_64.
For reference, instances where I use gcc
is actually i686-w64-mingw32-gcc
. liblua53.dll.a
and libyaml.a
were compiled from source using Lua 5.3.5 and LibYAML 0.2.2.
I built the objects:
gcc -DVERSION=\"git-5695363\" -Ilua-5.3/src -Ilibyaml/src/include -c ext/yaml/emitter.c -o emitter.o
gcc -DVERSION=\"git-5695363\" -Ilua-5.3/src -Ilibyaml/src/include -c ext/yaml/scanner.c -o scanner.o
gcc -DVERSION=\"git-5695363\" -Ilua-5.3/src -Ilibyaml/src/include -c ext/yaml/parser.c -o parser.o
gcc -DVERSION=\"git-5695363\" -Ilua-5.3/src -Ilibyaml/src/include -c ext/yaml/yaml.c -o yaml.o
Then linked:
gcc -shared -static -s -Llua-5.3/dist -Llibyaml/dist emitter.o parser.o scanner.o yaml.o -lyaml -llua53.dll -o lyaml.dll
I've linked it as -shared
because the output is a dll and as -static
because I'm statically linking libyaml.a. I also tried compiling with dynamic linking to libyaml.dll with the same error from Lua.
My Lua environment was compiled from the source and compiler:
> lua53.exe -v
Lua 5.3.5 Copyright (C) 1994-2018 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
Running a simple script works fine:
> lua53.exe -e 'print("Hello!")'
But I can't load the library:
> lua53.exe -e 'require("lyaml")'
lua53.exe: error loading module 'lyaml' from file 'lyaml.dll':
The specified procedure could not be found.
stack traceback:
[C]: in ?
[C]: in function 'require'
(command line):1: in main chunk
[C]: in ?
I know that this is an error from Windows but I don't know what procedure is missing or where it's coming from.
I also checked that all dynamic-linking dependencies are being met and functions are being exported:
How can I debug this further?