The data I need to visualise contains passenger loads on a train between 4 stations. The data is provided in an ordered fashion, ie. between Station A and V there are 432 passengers on the train, between V and B 543 and so on. In the coding example I have ploted the data with ggplot2.
df <- tribble(~Station, ~Passengers,
"A", 432,
"V", 543,
"B", 435,
"Q", 0)
df$Station <- factor(df$Station, levels=unique(df$Station))
ggplot(data = df, aes(x = Station, y = Passengers)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity")
The problem: I would like to position the x-axis ticks and Station names between the bars. The goal is to shift the bars 50% to the right.