If you know that you need data from your original stream and might get updates from a button click — then we'll need to create a stream of button clicks, e.g.
const btnClick$ = new rxjs.Subject();
this.btnClick$.next(void 0);
Then we'll turn this btnClick$
stream into a http-get request stream, using switchMap
const request$ = btnClick$.pipe(
// each click will be turned into a http-get
switchMap(() => rxjs.of(axios.get("someurl...")))
And we're ready to consume results from both streams, original and a stream of possible data updates from server on button click:
// we'll take results both from original stream
// and our new possible source of data
merge(original$, request$).subscribe(data => {
Heres a little app using mocks:
const { fromEvent, of, merge } = rxjs;
const { map, delay, switchMap } = rxjs.operators;
// create a stream of btn clicks
const theButton = document.getElementById('the-btn');
const btnClicks$ = fromEvent(theButton, 'click');
// clicks turned into http-gets
const request$ = btnClicks$.pipe(
switchMap(() => makeRequest())
// original source of data
const original$ = of('Please, click the button!').pipe(delay(500));
merge(original$, request$)
.subscribe(data => {
// mock for requests
function makeRequest(){
return of(Date.now()).pipe(delay(500))
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/bundles/rxjs.umd.min.js"></script>
>Click me!</button>
Hope this helps
axios.get(...).then(response => o.next(response.data)).catch(error => o.error(error);
– Richard Matsen