I am trying to connect a VPC with GKE to a Cloud SQL database.
I have specified a VPC with the following details:
IP ranges gateway
I see that all my GKE services are in 10.39.xxx.xx
service/kubernetes ....
service/api 10.39.xxx.xx
service/web 10.39.xxx.xx
I don't actually understand the connection with the VPC here. I want to have the GKE cluster able to communicate with a Cloud SQL database without exposing it over the public internet.
I have a Cloud SQL db on public IP, say, with a private IP equal to
In SQL - Connections I check the private IP box and given the choice between default and dev-vpc which is the name of my VPC, I select dev-vpc.
According to https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/configure-private-ip I should be done now, but I am unable to connect to the Cloud SQL from my GKE cluster.
I do see the following message when selecting the private IP.
Private IP connectivity requires additional APIs and permissions. You may need to contact your organisation's administrator for help enabling or using this feature. Currently, Private IP cannot be disabled once it has been enabled.
I also have a VPC peering connection
Peering connection details imported routes [ the Cloud SQL internal IP is in this ] exported routes [ the VPC subrange ]
What am I missing?