
I'm trying to use RadListView with Nativescript-Vue, and i'm trying to use a v-template header, and after it, a normal v-template with my list itself.

1) My header appears to not being recognized, and it always shows only the normal v-template on fullscreen, ignoring header.

2) When I try to put a name on my standard v-template, my app crashes and I receive the error mentioned on this question title.

Why is this happening and what does it means?

This is for a List that needs to be shown below a GridLayout (the header) with height=200. I don't know what else I could try to solve this problem.

<RadListView @scrolled="onHomeListScroll" for="(post, index) in list" ref="listView" row="0">

       <v-template name="header">
          <GridLayout height="200" />

       <v-template name="standardTemplate">
          <Label text="test" />

You haven't closed the GridLayout tag, not sure it was just a typo you hit here. Can you share a Playground sample where the issue can be reproduce.Manoj
Yes, it was a typo. But i resolved the problem mentioned in the question. I'll soon explain.Gabriel S.

1 Answers


The problem was solved setting Grid Layout rows property to 200.

For some reason, row works, and height don't.