
We are developing a keycloak(5.0.0) based solution where our clients can create their account with us and manage their own users - and only their users.

Initially with thought that we could use realms for this. Every client gets their own realm. After initial testing we deemed it might not be a good solution as after creating ~500 realms the application becomes unresponsive(https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-4593).

We decided to try using Groups to emulate a tenant. Our objective is to create during an external process(keycloak REST API) a group with an admin user. Can't find currently a way how to restrict this administrator to be able to only manage their own group(creating subgroups, managing users, and giving them roles).

I've noticed several emails mentioning these features but I fail to find actual examples to make this work.

The second link shows exactly what we would like to achieve.

Current alternative I can see is to implement a facade(client or separate web app) which would restrict visibility and access to other groups.

Are there other alternatives?

How have achieved multi-tenant with keycloak finally?ravthiru
We are using groups, instead of realms and created special endpoints where specific users has to access only to the groups.Łukasz Młynik
thanks for sharing the your experienceravthiru
@ŁukaszMłynik could you share any update on specific API which you have used to enforce your group permission requirement?Swistak
@ŁukaszMłynik can you please provide your solution as an anwser to your question?Tiago Stapenhorst Martins