Have dataset of 1 year hourly records
for analysis, I need to extract seperately for each month of the year, each hour of the day , so january 00h, january 01h, january 02h, january 03h, ...., ... , march 21h, march 22h, march 23h
Thanks in advance for any useful help!
Select observations for specified hours of the day during a period with datetime, filter, subset, ...
Code below (filter, month (time) generates fatal errror Error: unexpected ')' in "at<-subset(groenenborgerno, timestamp=hour(time) == 01))"
groenenborgerno$timestamp <- as.POSIXct(groenenborgerno$date, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
(month(time) == 01 & hour(time) == 01) )
– Sotoslubridate
to create a variable for each month and a variable for each hour, then you could usegroup_by()
. Would answer if your example was reproducible. – heck1