
I am trying to extract values from a rasterstack and append those to an existing dataframe. The values are a collection of metrics (PatchStat from r package SDMtools) which I am able to extract into list format, but I am stuck trying to bind the values to my existing dataframe.

Input data:


mydata <- read.table(header=TRUE, text = "
                         animal        X       Y ord.year
1 pb_20414 157978.9 2323819     2009168
2 pb_20414 156476.3 2325586     2009168
3 pb_06817 188512.0 2299679     2006263
4 pb_06817 207270.9 2287248     2006264")

# add rasters

s <- stack(system.file("external/rlogo.grd", package="raster")) 
names(s) <- c('masie_ice_r00_v01_2009168_4km', 'masie_ice_r00_v01_2006263_4km', 'masie_ice_r00_v01_2006264_4km')

# Create sp object

projection <-CRS('+proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=60 +lon_0=-80 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m + datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0') # matches MASIE raster
coords <- cbind(mydata$X, mydata$Y)
mydata.sp <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = coords, data = mydata, proj4string = projection)

# Create sf object

mydata.sf <- st_as_sf(mydata) 
mydata.buf30 <- st_buffer(mydata.sf, 30000)

My goal is to match each GPS point (X,Y) with the correct GeoTIFF by date (mydata$ord.year), crop the raster to a (spatially explicit) 30 km buffer, run PatchStat in program SDMtools for R, and append the results to the original dataframe. The catch is that PatchStat results are provided in a dataframe, so I am having trouble matching those results to my existing dataframe.

Here is an example of results provided when I run PatchStat:

 patchID n.cell n.core.cell n.edges.perimeter n.edges.internal area core.area perimeter
2       3     73          13                86              206   73        13        86
  perim.area.ratio shape.index frac.dim.index core.area.index
2         1.178082    2.388889       1.430175       0.1780822 

Here is what I have been able to do so far:

# separate date component of TIF name to correspond to mydata$ord.year 

stack <- list()
for (i in 1:length(rasterlist)) {
  tt<-unlist(strsplit(names(stack[[i]]), "[_]"))

st <- stack(stack) # Create rasterstack object

# crop raster to buffer

mydata.sp <- as(mydata.sf, 'Spatial') # back to sp object

# pull raster data from GeoTIFF that corresponds to ordinal date

pat <- list()
for (i in 1:nrow(mydata.sp)) {
  GeoCrop <- raster::crop(st2, mydata.sp[i,])
  GeoCrop_mask <- raster::mask(GeoCrop, mydata.sp[i,])
  pat[[i]] <- PatchStat(GeoCrop_mask)}

Additionally, I have eliminated one of the two land cover types so that each element in the list has only one row: pat2 <- lapply(pat, `[`, -1,) # remove first row in each list element so only one row remains (using program plyr for R)

Now, I would like to match these rows to my original dataframe, so that pat2[[1]] is appended to mydata.sp[1,] like this (assuming a,b, and c are columns of metadata within my original SpatialPointsDataFrame). I would like all the columns of data from PatchStat added but to save time and space, I only included the first three here:

a   b   c   PatchID   n.cell   n.core.cell 
1   2   3   3         73       13

Note: If possible, I would love for this whole process to be included in the for loop to minimize room for error and also processing time.

Thanks so much!

this is pretty straightforward but, as with all R questions, you need to provide some code with simple example data (created by code or from an R package) to be able to answer.Robert Hijmans
facepalm, noob here. I've edited accordingly.NorthLattitude

2 Answers


Well I did this very ugly thing and got what I wanted. But I don't like it. If anyone has a better idea I'd love to hear it!

# Change objects to df  
pat2 <- lapply(pat, `[`, -1,) # remove first row in each list element

library(plyr) # ldply command

pat3 <- ldply (pat2, data.frame)

pat4 <- bind_cols(pb, pat3)

Thanks for your effort to provide example data. But it is still incomplete (it refers to files that we do not have. You could to this


s <- stack(system.file("external/rlogo.grd", package="raster")) 
s <- round(s / 50) # to have fewer patches
names(s) <- c('masie_ice_r00_v01_2009168_4km', 'masie_ice_r00_v01_2006263_4km', 'masie_ice_r00_v01_2006264_4km')

df <- data.frame(ord.year=c("2009168", "2009168", "2006263", "2006264"))
pts <- SpatialPoints(cbind(c(20,40,60,80), c(20,40,60,20)))
crs(pts) <- crs(s)
pts <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(pts, df)

Make a buffer

b <- buffer(pts, 15, dissolve=FALSE)

Get matching names

nms <- names(s)
nms <- gsub('masie_ice_r00_v01_', '', nms)
nms <- gsub('_4km', '', nms)

Loop to match names, and put results in a list

p <- list()
for (i in 1:length(b)) {
    j <- which(b$ord.year[i] == nms)
    r <- s[[j]]
    z <- crop(r, b[i,])
    z <- mask(z, b[i,])
    p[[i]] <- PatchStat(z)

Note that each element of p has a data.frame with multiple rows and columns.

 #patchID n.cell n.core.cell n.edges.perimeter n.edges.internal area core.area perimeter perim.area.ratio shape.index frac.dim.index core.area.index
 #1       1     53           5                68              144   53         5        68        1.2830189    2.266667       1.427207      0.09433962
 #2       2    123           8               182              310  123         8       182        1.4796748    3.956522       1.586686      0.06504065
 #3       3    149          31               190              406  149        31       190        1.2751678    3.800000       1.543074      0.20805369
 #4       4     54           2               114              102   54         2       114        2.1111111    3.800000       1.679578      0.03703704
 #5       5    337         206               146             1202  337       206       146        0.4332344    1.972973       1.236172      0.61127596

If you only want the first rows

 pp <- t(sapply(p, function(i) i[1,]))

Combining this with the orginal data.frame is now trivial

 dfpp <- cbind(df, pp)