Someone may already asked this question, but havent found it, so here it goes the problem:
I want to parse a component's tkSet properties (Panel1 in our case), but I dont know how to do that properly. I was able to find the base enumerated type of the set using rContext.FindType(), but I'm almost sure there are some more elegant/simple way to do that. From that point I'm completly lost. I should go thru on that enum type's values and check each value against the compoenent's present property value.
procedure TForm12.GetProperties2;
rContext: TRttiContext;
rType: TRttiType;
rProp: TRttiProperty;
rType := rContext.GetType(Panel1.ClassType);
for rProp in rType.GetProperties do
if (rProp.Visibility in [mvPublished]) and (rProp.PropertyType.TypeKind in [tkSet]) and (rProp.Name = 'Anchors') then
Memo1.Lines.Add('Name: ' + rProp.Name);
Memo1.Lines.Add('PropertyType: ' + rProp.PropertyType.ToString);
Memo1.Lines.Add('Value: ' + rProp.GetValue(Panel1).ToString);
Memo1.Lines.Add('QualifiedName: ' + rProp.PropertyType.QualifiedName);
Memo1.Lines.Add('ElementType: ' + rContext.FindType(rProp.PropertyType.QualifiedName).AsSet.ElementType.ToString);
// here comes the desired results
Memo1.Lines.Add('Possible values:');
Memo1.Lines.Add(' 0 > akLeft');
Memo1.Lines.Add(' 1 > akTop');
Memo1.Lines.Add(' 2 > akRight');
Memo1.Lines.Add(' 3 > akBottom');
Memo1.Lines.Add('Present values:');
Memo1.Lines.Add(' 0 > akLeft');
Memo1.Lines.Add(' 1 > akTop');
Another possible problem is the set properties without base enum types, for example if you have a look on TPanel.StyleElements property you can see the TStyleElements' declaration is the following:
TStyleElements = set of (seFont, seClient, seBorder);
In this case the ElementType not working.
So the question is how can I parse the tkSet type properties to get the desired results using RTTI context?