I am using nuxt-links in my website navigation, most of them point to hashed elements/anchors in the home page like:
:to="localePath('index') + #hash"
and it does its job if currently on the home page but when I navigate to a different site, eg. /about and I click on a navbar nuxt-link (so I want to navigate from /about to /#hash or /any-other-site#hash) I got a nuxt error displayed to check the console where it reads "Cannot read property 'offsetTop' of null".
My router configuration in nuxt.config (without it I wouldn't be even able to scroll to an anchored element being in the same site as the element!):
router: {
scrollBehavior(to) {
if (to.hash) {
return window.scrollTo({ top: document.querySelector(to.hash).offsetTop + window.innerHeight, behavior: 'smooth' });
return window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: 'smooth' });
In the :to attribute I tried 'hash' '#hash', nothing works. Could please anyone help me with this? How do I navigate to a different page + #anchor (so to scroll to that anchor?)
<nuxt-link to="/#hash">
scrolling to that element never happens. Clicking does not trigger anything. – shikinen